

Our mobile team has a proven track record of developing rich native apps that integrate seamlessly with the Apple and Android mobile ecosystems


Developing web-based solutions that are robust, scalable, and intuitive. Our team specializes in ELM, Ember, and React with extensive experience.


Backend team with over 10 years experience in Ruby on Rails. Among others, we've successfully deployed software powered by Elixir

Blockchain Development

Our blockchain team specializes in Solidity Smart contracts development, bridge design and other Blockchain integrations


Streamlining software development through communication, automation, and continuous delivery


A team experienced in building cutting-edge products, from concept or idea through market release and beyond


Creating robust, innovative, scalable and user friendly digital products

Quality Assurance

Experienced Quality Assurance team versed in context-driven testing for a variety of apps and platforms, from mobile, web to tv and auto

Project Management

Our team manages projects in the entire SDLC using adaptive, predictive and hybrid project management approaches

Data Science

Our team uses statistics, data analytics, data visualization, and machine learning algorithms to identify trends and create forecasts

End-to-End Mobile App Development for iOS and Android

Swift, Objective-C and Kotlin

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